Jordi Caballé Serrano
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Nationality: Spanish
Dr. Jordi Caballe-Serrano is an Oral Surgeon from Barcelona Spain. Along with his former PhD supervisor Dr. Reinhard Gruber from Vienna University, they have been key investigators responsible for the development and key findings surrounding bone conditioned medium (BCM). He is trained as both an Oral Surgeon and a cell biologist and continues to contribute enormously to the field of BCM. He is now interested in utilizing these finding in guided bone regeneration by combining the use of BCM with a variety of biomaterials to help improve their osteopromotive potential for possible future clinical use and has published nearly a dozen scientific peer-reviewed article while part of the Miron Lab.
Education / Professional Development
2012-2015 PhD, with European Mention, awarded Cum Laude July 2015
2012-2016 MDS, International Master in Oral Surgery 2012-16
2012-2013 MSc, Master in Clinical and Materials Research 2012-13
2006-2011 DDS, Graduated in Dentistry (Univ. Internacional Catalunya, UIC) 2006-11
Professional Affiliations & Work History
2014-present Associate Researcher, Dep. of Oral Surgery and Stomatology, Univ. Bern since 2014
2015-present Lecturer, Dep. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, UIC Barcelona since 2015
2013-present Private practice in prosthodontics, oral surgery and oral implantology since 2013
Publications with the Miron Lab
Caballe-Serrano J, Sawada K, Miron RJ, Bosshardt DD, Buser D, Gruber R. Collagen barrier membranes adsorb growth factors liberated from fresh autogenous bone grafts. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2016 Jan 28. doi: 10.1111/clr.12789. [Epub ahead of print]
Sawada K, Caballé-Serrano J, Bosshardt DD, Schaller B, Miron RJ, Buser D, Gruber R. Antiseptic solutions modulate the paracrine-like activity of bone chips: differential impact of chlorhexidine and sodium hypochlorite. J Clin Periodontol. 2015 Aug 18. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.12447. [Epub ahead of print
Miron RJ, Fujioka-Kobayashi M, Zhang, Y, Caballe-Serrano J, Shirakata Y, Bosshardt DD, Buser D, Sculean A. Osteogain improves osteoblast adhesion, proliferation and differentiation on a bovine-derived natural bone mineral. Accepted, Clinical Oral Implants Research (not yet online).
Caballe-Serrano J, Fujioka-Kobayashi M, Bosshardt DD, Gruber R, Buser D, Miron RJ. Pre-coating deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) with bone-conditioned medium (BCM) improves osteoblast migration, adhesion, and differentiation in vitro. Clinical Oral Investigations
Fujioka-Kobayashi M, Caballe-Serrano J, Bosshardt DD, Gruber R, Buser D, Miron RJ. Bone conditioned media (BCM) improves cell adhesion and osteoblast differentiation on collagen barrier membranes. (BMC Oral Health IF = 1.1)
Sawada K, Miron RJ, Bromme JO, Caballe-Serrano J, Bosshardt DD, Schaller B, Buser D, Gruber R. High-dose irradiation of bone chips preserves the in vitro activity of bone-conditioned medium (in submission)
Miron RJ, Shuang Y, Bosshardt DD, Caballe-Serrano J, Chandad F, Zhang Y, Osteogenic gene array of osteoblasts cultured on a novel osteoinductive biphasic calcium phosphate bone grafting material. Clinical Oral Investigations.