Hamoon Zohdi
Research Scholar
Nationality: Iranian
Hamoon Zohdi is a recent graduate of his Master’s thesis at the University of Bern, Switzerland where he pursued in detail the roles of multi-nucleated giant cell formation around various bone biomaterials in vivo. He was supervised by both Dr. Richard Miron and Dr. Dieter Bosshardt at the University of Bern. His work led to the characterization of giant cells around various bone biomaterials and notably their differences from osteoclasts. These projects are currently still being investigated in the Robert Schenk Laboratory of Oral Histology where Hamoon wishes to soon publish his excellent results.
2013-2016 Masters of Science in Biomedical Engineering, University of Bern, Switzerland
2008-2011 Masters of Science in Materials Science and Engineering at Tarbiat Modares University. Iran.
2003-2008 Bachelor of Science in Material Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran
Professional Experience
2015 RMS-foundation, Switzerland; (6-month internship)
2014 ISTB, Switzerland; (3-month internship)
2013 Bern University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland; (2-month internship), Building up an infrared microscope setup. Expert in surface profiler.
2011-2013 Tarbiat Modares University, Iran; (Research assistance), Bulk Metallic Glasses production and characterization; thermal, mechanical and corrosion properties.