Fatiha Chandad
Full Professor, Vice-Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, Dental School, Laval University, Canada
Nationality: Maroccan, Canadian
Dr. Fatiha Chandad was the former director of the entire research wing at the Dental School at Laval University in Canada. She now serves as the Associate Dean of Research where she oversees all research activities performed at the University Dental School. She served as Dr. Richard Miron's former mentor during his post-doctoral research training at Laval University while concurently pursing his dental studies. During this time, they conducted numerous research projects primarily related to the effects of enamel matrix derivative in combination with bone grafting materials. These studies later led to the development of Osteogain, an area of research primarily pursued in her laboratory and later leading to the ITI Andre Schroeder Research Prize for Dr. Miron.
1979 Bachelor of Experimental Sciences, Marroco
1983 License of Natural Sciences, Marocco
1983-1986 Lecturer/Teacher of Natural Sciences
1989 Masters of Science in Microbiology, University of Laval, Canada
1994 PhD in microbiology and immunology, University of Laval, Canada
Academic Appointments
2015- present Vice-Dean of Research and Graduate studies
2012-present Director, The Faculty Research Center « Groupe de recherche en écologie buccale »
Faculty of dental medicine, Université Laval
2010-present Full professor, Faculty of dental medicine, Université Laval, Canada
2009-2012 University Professor, Faculty of dentistry, Rennes, France
2005-2010 Associate professor, Faculty of dental medicine, Université Laval, Canada
2003-present Faculty of Sciences & Engineering, Department of Biochemistry&Microbiology,
Université Laval, Canada
2001-2005 Assistant professor, Faculty of dental medicine, Université Laval, Canada
Other functions
Referee for funding agencies: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Fonds pour la Formation de Chercheurs et l'Aide à la Recherche, Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Québec, Fondation de l’Ordre des dentistes, Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR, France), Réseau de Recherche en Santé Buccodentaire et osseuse (FRQS, Québec), MITACs (Canadian Network of Centres of Excellence), Funding programs of Ministery of Economy, Science and Innovations), etc.
Reviewer for more than 20 International scientific journals.